Monday, March 14, 2011

What's a Pirates Favorite Letter?


Some pirates invaded our house over the summer.  Many an afternoon was spent outside hoisting sails, dropping anchors, and walking the plank on the playhouse and treasure hunting all over the yard.

One pirate was only up for one photo.

Moving into the house brought a few chores.  I needed the kitchen rugs scrubbed and it took some persuading to get the boys into their swim trunks and into the water and bubbles - but once they started, it was hard to get them to quit.

Here is Brok showing them how it's done
and Westley wetting them down.

Christian and Harve working together.

Having fun Harve?

Westley couldn't get enough!

This week is Spring Bread - the weather is so good - we'll have to repeat this activity!

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that Wes had awesome ripped pants to go with his pirate look!
