Sunday, October 2, 2011

Swimming, Swimming, in my Swimming Pool....

As I've mentioned before, swimming is a highlight for every hotel trip.  This trip was no exception.  The little kids got braver - and we had more big kids since Curtis and Holly were there.  Even Noellee got into the action.  Audrey has always been pretty brave in the water - but she started jumping off the side to anyone that would catch her.  Harve was more eager to get his face wet, and Christian played a little water basketball this time.  After 2 years of coming to this same hotel - Westley finally went down the slide.  He has been to the top and come back down the stairs before, but this time he went downt he slide - more than once actually. 

We brought some water blasters and they all had a ball with them.  When our kids would put them down, other hotel guests would pick them up and the fun would just continue.
Here Westley's sneaking over to blast the kids in the other pool while Harve is urging him on.

Dayle has Audrey and Charnae helps Harve with his blaster

Brok, Audrey, Dayle, and Charnae

Christian getting back in after a bathroom break

Harve shooting someone coming down the slide

Christian in motion

Hi there Harrison!

There goes Brok to the water slide
Turn around and wave Brok!


Come on Westley, I'll help you go down the slide
says Jaala

Oh, this is going to be fun Westley,
I promise

Yea!  He did it!

That was GREAT!  I wanna do it again!
Christian - just wait 'til you're tall enough-your're gonna love it!

Charnae, Jaala and Harrison in the forground
Harve watching Curtis come down in the back

Christian coming to soak someone

Charnae helping Harve out of the deep pool

Christian getting a ride around the big pool

Christian again

Westley playing basketball

Harve spraying the ceiling -
this kept him busy for quite a while

Brok and Christian getting ready to play some ball

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you got pictures of Westley going down the slide! That was a fun day for us!
